Last year Catholic Charities served 39,520 meals in the ecumenical soup kitchens and the need is growing. Our Thanksgiving to Christmas “’Tis the Season of Giving” appeal is underway. Together we must raise $120,000 – enough for 40,000 meals for men, women, and children who need our help. Thank you for your generosity over the years.
Your gift will provide meals to our neighbors in our Diocesan community. You’ll help feed homeless youth, isolated seniors, working poor, and many more hungry neighbors who need access to fresh, nutritious food through Catholic Charities’ ecumenical soup kitchens and food banks.
For questions about donations, please contact our Development Office at 610-435-1541 or .
A gift of love, a legacy of hope. Planned giving allows you to support Catholic Charities while achieving your financial goals. You may even find an option that lets you give more than you otherwise would have thought possible. To learn more, contact:
Andrea Kochan Neagle at 610-435-1541, ext. 5334 or email .
Or, visit our Planned Giving Website »
Please pray for these individuals for whom we have received gifts in memory of:
14,235 14,235 hours spent engaged in helping by our 297 Amazing Volunteers
231 231 Veterans helped with housing, education, transportation & emergency support services
203 Expectant Parents in our Pregnancy and Parenting Program
13,031 Over 13,000 clients served during 2023; adults, seniors & children
42,391 42,391 meals served during the year at our Soup Kitchens
Catholic Charities' mission is to provide compassionate human services with respect for the sanctity of all human life.
Your gift will feed the hungry, find shelter for the homeless, counsel those suffering with mental health issues and show respect for all, regardless of faith, race, age, or ability to pay.