Case managers advocate on behalf of those in need and connect them to community resources, all while helping individuals and families overcome difficult circumstances. Some of the services provided include:
Professional counselors offer help in areas such as depression, anxiety, marriage and family issues. Insurances are accepted for services and we also offer a sliding fee scale based on household net income.
Specialized counseling for those who have experienced or who have been affected by an abortion is provided through Project Rachel 1-866-3RACHEL (1-866-372-2437).
“Advocate for those who can’t, support those who can, and ensure all long-term consumers live with dignity and respect.”
The Ombudsman Program is designed to support and empower consumers by resolving individual complaints involving long-term care service, while working to improve and enhance the long-term care living system for the residents and their families.
Long-term care ombudsman make themselves available to take a message of concern forward and help to resolve it on behalf of care-dependent elderly. Ombudsman are client driven and client directed. As the consumer’s advocate, they act on the wishes of the client.
Contact Nichole Peardon Supervisor, at 484-619-3337 or
Catholic Charities offers numerous free services to all pregnant women, including:
Catholic Charities does not provide abortions, nor do we refer any woman for an abortion.
Reasonable fees are charged for search services. Services provided to those who were adopted through Catholic Charities, Diocese of Allentown and include:
If you, or someone you know, has had an abortion…
Project Rachel ( offers post-abortion reconciliation and healing. Specially trained priests and/or counselors can assist anyone suffering from the aftermath of an abortion. The Project also sponsors Rachel’s Vineyard retreat weekends and staffs a hotline at (866) 3RACHEL or email at .
Visit the website Hope After Abortion (
Rachel’s Vineyard – An intimate spiritual journey for anyone seeking healing after abortion. In a safe, supportive, non-judgemental environment you can focus on this painful time in your life and enter into the process of healing. Through scripture readings, guided meditations and activites flowing from the meditations you can experience God’s compassion and forgiveness.
For information on the Rachel’s Vineyard retreat or to register contact: Carol Swavely
Call 1-866-3RACHEL (Toll Free) or 610-435-1541, ext. 5373 or email
Prayer for Healing
Eternal Father,
Source of all mercy and love,
our of love for us you sent you Son,
and willed that blood and water
flow from his side to cleanse us of sin
and restore lost innocence.
Hear the cry of each woman who mourns the loss of her child to abortion.
Forgive her sin, restore her to your grace, and still the terror of her heart with a peace beyond
all understanding. Through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of all tenderness and our Mother, strengthen her faith in you. Give her the consolation to believe that her child is now living in the Lord, who conquered sin and death, and who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God , forever and ever. Amen.
Text by Msgr. James Moroney
231 231 Veterans helped with housing, education, transportation & emergency support services
13,031 Over 13,000 clients served during 2023; adults, seniors & children
10,629 Individuals helped to meet basic needs and close emergency gaps
203 Expectant Parents in our Pregnancy and Parenting Program
42,391 42,391 meals served during the year at our Soup Kitchens
Catholic Charities' mission is to provide compassionate human services with respect for the sanctity of all human life.
Your gift will feed the hungry, find shelter for the homeless, counsel those suffering with mental health issues and show respect for all, regardless of faith, race, age, or ability to pay.